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Mahabharat In Urdu Pdf For Kids

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Mahabharat In Urdu Pdf For Kids

In the Dwapara Yuga, the brothers were born as Sisupala and Dantavakara, and were killed by Krishna, avatar of Vishnu. Click

There are stories, or rather excerpts, from the epic, that most of us are unaware of.. We are aware of how this hatred played an important role in the game of dice between the two parties, and how, consequently, the Pandavas lost their land and their common wife, Draupadi, to the Kauravas.. Ganesha, however, agreed to write it down only if Vyasa never paused during his recitation.. The Mahabharata was, according to a legend, first recited by a seer, Vyasa (who was also the Pandavas actual grandfather), to Ganesha, who wrote down the story.. Since seven lives was a greater time span, which the two brothers could not bear, they chose the latter. 2

According to this story, once, Vijaya and Jaya, the gatekeepers of Lord Vishnus abode (Vaikuntha Lok) were cursed by the four Kumaras of Brahma when the latter were mistaken for being children ( kumaras looked like children due to the strength of their tapas!) and were not allowed to meet Narayana.. After being in exile for 13 years, when the Pandavas returned, Duryodhan refused to give them back half of their land, which they were entitled to.. This called for war It was during this famous Kurukshetra war that Lord Krishna gave his ethical lecture to Arjuna, which we know as the Bhagwad Gita.. The news of the curse fell on Narayanas ears, and he felt sorry for his gatekeepers.. Vyasa agreed, saying that Ganesha would jot down his words only after understanding them completely.

Narayana put forth two options: they could either be born seven times as His devotees, or three times as His enemies on Earth.. In accordance to the curse, the gatekeepers had to give up their divinity and live as mortals on earth.. But there is more to the story than just that  These are facts that we have been told over time.. We all are aware of the basic facts of the Mahabharata we know about the animosity between the five sons of Pandu, and the hundred sons of Dhritrashtra. 0041d406d9 4

After winning this Great War, the Pandavas, out of remorse and guilt of killing their own relatives, embarked on the Great Journey to the Polar Mountains where all but Yudhisthira, who made it to the Gate of Heaven, died on the way.. In the first birth as enemy to Vishnu, they were born as Hiranyaksha and Hiraeyakasipu who were killed by Varaha and Narasimha (both avatars of Vishnu).. So, we enlisted some of these lesser known tales from the Mahabharata Hiranyaksha, Hiraeyakasipu; Ravana, Kumbhakarana; and Sisupala, Dantavakara all were the reincarnations of brothers Vijaya and Jaya, who were at once the gatekeepers of Lord Vishnus abode!There is a story in the Mahabharata which connects three epics the Mahabharata, the Ramayana and the Bhakt Prahladh in a wonderful way.. In the next Treta Yuga, the two brothers were born as Ravana and Kumbhakaran, and were killed by Rama, avatar of Vishnu.. He also apologised to the Kumaras and assured Jaya and Vijaya that he will do something to reciprocate. 5